Talaqqi Method in Islamic Learning

Talaqqi Method in Islamic Learning

Talaqqi learning is Islamic lesson conducted in a halaqah (small group). It is led by a qualified teacher and guided by a certain book in order to attain a certain spiritual status. It covers all aspects of Islamic knowledge in particular aqidah (creed - tauhid), syari’ah (jurispundence - fiqh), and akhlaq (manners - tasawwuf).

Allah inspired wahyu to Rasulullah (saw), who transmitted the knowledge to his companions, who in turn passed it on to the tabi’in, who coveyed it to the tabi’ tabi’in, and to the later generations. This chain was not limited to the content of lesson per se, but also included understanding, practice, and appreciation of the knowledge. This whole process is open and widespread so that there is no room for corruption.

Any deviation or corruption is easily corrected such that we have been left with a clear and true wisdom.

Talaqqi learning consists of 6 main elements:

1. The syaikh (teacher) is thoroughly knowledgable.

2. The syaikh should possess a clear chain of transmission from his syaikh until Rasulullah (saw). This would ensure originality and blessings (barakah).

3. The kitabs used are of consensus among ulama. Kitabs to be used also depend on level of learning. Examples for jurispundence (fiqh) kitabs used in Malaysia:

a. Ibtida’i (preliminary level) : Kitab Perukunan (Book of Pillars), Munyatul Musolli, Safinat al-Naja etc.
b. Thanawi (intermediate level): I’anah al-Tholibin, Kifayah al-Akhyar, al-Iqna’ fi Hal al-Fadz Abi Syuja’.
c. ‘Alli (higher level): Hasyiatan li Umairah wa Qaliubi, Minhaj al-Thalibin, Raudhah al-Talibin etc. Students should be able to derive branch (furu’) rulings based on dalils presented.

All are based on fiqh mazhab Syafi’i and evaluated through methods of Syafi’iyah ulama. Comparative fiqh (between the 4 mazhabs) also taught but not in depth.

4. Students (murid) meaning those who want the knowledge. This group of people should be committed and bound to certain learning manners (adab).

5. Place to accommodate lessons are usually owned by the syaikh. Most of the time facilities are basic due to the limited resources. The place is financed by charity (from the syaikh himself or the surrounding community).

6. Intention of study is to formulate the true muslim from the basis of true understanding.

Among the distinction talaqqi lesson has over other methods are sincerity (both syaikh and murids), length of study, selection of kitabs, and spiritual status of the syaikh.

Talaqqi lessons, as financially-challenged as they are, still gain respect due to the discipline, comprehensiveness, combination of theory and practice, blessings, and formation of good manners.

Talaqqi lesson to South-East Asian nations is like the taproot to a tree. With it, the nations have been able to weather all kinds of storms for many centuries. In Malaysia and Thailand talaqqi lessons are called “pondok”, while in Indonesia “pesantren”, “Zawiyah” and “ribat” could be the names used in other parts of the world.

Wallahu a'lam.

Source: http://islaminus.blogspot.com/2008/04/talaqqi-method-of-islamic-learning.html