World Congress of Islamic Systems 2012

The main theme of World-ISLAM2012 is:
The theme focuses on the contributions that Islamic solutions can provide to the world communities. The organisers strive to highlight that Islam has a lot to offer to the world as proven during the glorious era of Islamic enlightenment several centuries ago.
The co-located, concurrent conferences within the congress are listed below. The contents are open within the respective scope and are not limited to the lists provided here:
1) Conference on Islamic Social Systems (CISS)
2) Conference on Islamic Education Systems (CIEdS)3) Conference on Islamic Economic and Financial Systems (CIES)
4) Conference on Islamic Political Systems (CIPS)
5) Conference on Islamic Law Systems (CILS)
6) Conference on Science and Technology from Islamic Perspective (CSTIP)
7) Conference on Islamic Quality Systems (CIQS)
The co-located, concurrent conferences within the congress are listed below. The contents are open within the respective scope and are not limited to the lists provided here:

Conference on Islamic Social Systems (CISS)

a.     Concept on Islamic Social System; Philosophy, Concept, Objectives and Application
b.     Community System; Moral and Values, Community Relations, Association in Minority Country
c.     Islam and Gender; Right and Equality, Roles of Women according to Islam, Conflict between Islam and Liberal System
d.     Islam and Family Institution; Polygamy, Inheritance, Marriage and Divorce
e.     Inter-religious Dialogue; Philosophy, Concept, objective and application
f.      Mixing Limitations; Relationship with Non Muslim, Relationship between woman and man, Family Relationship; Restriction and Limitation
g.     Da’wah; Amr Ma’ruf and Nahi Mungkar Application, Da’wah to Muslim and Non-Muslim, Philosophy, Concept and Objectives

2.    Conference on Islamic Education Systems (CIEdS)

a.     The Philosophy of Islamic Education; Issues in Islamic Educational Philosophy, Concept of Education, Aims and Objectives
b.     The Conflict between Islam, Western, and Secular Education; Philosophy, Concept, Objective, Implementation, Teaching and Learning, and Sex Education
c.     Curriculum and Evaluation; Curriculum Development, New Approach to Evaluation, Holistic Evaluation, Curriculum Integration, Multicultural Issues in Curriculum and Evaluation
d.     Integration of Knowledge; New Theories, Approaches to Islamization of knowledge, Modalities in Teaching and Learning, Application of Integration of Knowledge in Muslim Education
e.     Teacher Training in Islamic Education; Curriculum and Pedagogy, Upgrading of Teaching Skills, Pedagogical Contents, Theories, Language and Teaching, Teacher Readiness, In-Service Training and Motivation
f.      Learning Strategies in Islamic Education; New Theories and Approaches to Teaching and Learning, Understanding Students’ Abilities
g.     Religious Schools or Madrasah Education; Certification Issues, Informal and Semi-Formal Education, Evaluation of Madrasah Environment, Education and Social Services
h.     Quality of Islamic Education; Standards in Islamic Education, Global Recognition, Education and Human Development
i.      Information Communication Technology and Media in Islamic Education; Impact of ICT on Education, Application in Education, New Approach to Teaching, Problems in Implementing ICT in Islamic Education
j.      Educational Administration and Management; Educational Policy, Issue in Educational Administration and Management, Professionalism, Islamic Finance
k.     Moral and Akhlaq Development; Human Capital, Human Development, Adolescence, Knowledge and its Application, Application of Moral Studies, Research in Akhlaq and Akhlaq Development, Mass Media and Human Development

3.    Conference on Islamic Economic and Financial Systems (CIES)

a.     Concept on Islamic Economic System; Philosophy, Concept, Objectives, Comparison and Applications
b.     Muamalat; Waqaf, Islamic Financial System, Hisbah
c.     Land; Land Ownership and its Current Applications, Lease, Government Responsibility for Land Management, Land Developers, Land Division
d.     Country’s Financial Flow Chart; Concept, Objectives and Applications, Booty, Baitul Mal Management System
e.     Taxes; Zakat, Kharaj, Jizyah and Current Applications

4.    Conference on Islamic Political Systems (CIPS)

a.     Islam and Democracy; Differences and Similarities, Formation Political Party
b.     Leadership Qualities in Islamic Politics 
c.     Women Participation in Islamic Politics 
d.     Islamic Movement; Philosophy, Concept and Applications 
e.     Political Cooperation (Tahaluf Siyasi), Electoral Participation
f.      Jihad
g.     The Non-Muslims in Islamic Politics

5.    Conference on Islamic Law Systems (CILS)

a.     Introduction in Islamic Law System; Philosophy, Concept, Objectives and Applications
b.     Wilayah Raddi Mazalim; Philosophy, Concept, Objectives and Applications
c.     Adultery Law enforcement; Concept and Applications
d.     Qasaf  Law Enforcement; Concept and Application, Prosecution and Evidence System
e.     Sentence for Drinking Alcohol and Gambling; Concept and Application
f.      Sentence of Theft; Concept and Application
g.     Sentence of Apostasy; Concept and Application
h.     Qisas; Concept and Application, Diyat Payment System, Evidence and Prosecution

6.    Conference on Science and Technology from Islamic Perspective (CSTIP)

a.     Miracles of the Al-Quran and Hadith
b.     Scientific Miracles of the Al-Quran, Historical Miracles of the Al-Quran, Predictions in the Al-Quran, Mathematical Miracles of the Al-Quran, Perfection of   the Al-Quran from the Literary Aspect
c.     Pillars of Iman and Science @Tauhidik Sciences
d.     Pillars of Islam and Science
e.     Studies with Respect to the Concept of Worship such as Solat, Fasting, Daily Diet and Others
f.      Halal and Haram according to Islam
g.     Science and Technology in Islam, and Latest Findings; Astrophysics/Astronomy, Animal World, Health and Medicine, Geology and others

7.    Conference on Islamic Quality Systems (CIQS)

a.     Foundations of Islamic Quality System
b.     Integration and Complementation with Existing Quality Systems
c.     Al Quran and Hadith Evidences on Quality
d.     Quality Practices in the Time of the Prophet and Sahabat
e.     Halal Industries
f.      Islamic Manufacturing Practices
g.     Industrial Experiences of MS 1900 and IMP
h.     Islamic Financial and Banking practices – Syariah Compliance or Syariah Based?i.    Non-Muslim involvement in IQS


Day 1: 17 Muharram 1434H/ 1st December 2012

Balai Islam, Lundang, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia 
8:00 am – 9:00 am Registration
9:00 am – 10:00 am Keynote Speech 1
 Title: Islamic Movement in the 21st Century : Preparation and Challenges
 Dr. Abdel Rahman Al-Bar
 Irsyad Ikhwan Muslimin Bureau
 Egypt Legislative Parliamentary Committee
10:00 am – 10:30 am Morning Tea Break
10:30 am – 11:30 am Keynote Speech 2
 Title : Islamic Rules in the Modern World : Turkey Experience
 Saadat Party
11:30 am – 12:30 pm Keynote Speech 3
 Title: Islamic Politics in the Modern World : Pakistan Experience
 Prof. Dr. Anis Ahmed
 Vice Chancellor
 Riphah International University
12:30 pm– 2:00 pm Lunch Break
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Plenary Session1
 Title: Unrest in Syria : Current Muslim Claims
 Dr. Ali Sodruddin Al-Bayanuni
 Former Muraqib
 Ikhwan Muslimin
 Title: Egyptian Revolution : The Beginning of Global Muslim Revival
 Dr. Safwat Hijazi
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm Evening Tea Break

- END DAY 1-
Day 2: 18 Muharram 1434H/ 2nd December 2012
Grand Riverview Hotel, Kota Bharu, Kelantan Malaysia 
9:00 am – 10:00 am Keynote Speech 4
 Title: Islamic Leadership according to Quran & Sunnah
 Dr. Abu Zaid Al-Muqri Al-Idrisi
 Hizbul ‘Adalah wa Tanmiah, Maghribi 
10:00 am – 10:30 am Morning Tea Break
10:30 am – 11:30 am Keynote Speech 5
 Title : Ulama and Umara’ in Islamic Countries
 YB Senator Dato’ Dr. Johari bin Mat
 Malaysia State Government
11:30 am – 12:30 pm Keynote Speech 6
 Title: Challenges in implementation of Sharia Law in the Modern  World 
 Prof. Dr. Abdel Rahim Ali
 Deputy Chairman
 Sudanese Islamic Movement
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch Break
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Plenary Session 2
 Title : Universal Islamic Unity : Towards the Khalifah Rules
 Dr. Hidayat Nur Wahid
 Parti Keadilan Sejahtera
 Title: Arab Spring as a medium of Global Muslim Movement
 Sheikh Rashid al-Ghannushi
 Ennahda Movement
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm Evening Tea Break
9:00 pm – 10:30 pm Grand Lecture(Public)
 YB Dato’ Seri Tuan Guru  Hj. Abdul Hadi Awang 
 Committee Member
 International Taqrib Mazhab Council
 Islamic Party of Malaysia
 Dr. Hidayat Nur Wahid
 Parti Keadilan Sejahtera
 As-Syeikh Dr. Ahmed Totonji
 Vice President
 International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)
- END DAY 2-
Day 3: 19 Muharram 1434H/ 3rd December 2012
Grand Riverview Hotel, Kota Bharu, Kelantan Malaysia 
8:00 am  Registration
9:00 am – 10:30 am Opening Ceremony and Keynote Address
 Title: Islamic Governance in Modern Democratic State  : The experience of Kelantan’s “Membangun Bersama Islam”
 by Y.A.B Tuan Guru Dato’ Bentara Setia Nik Abdul Aziz  Nik Mat
 Chief Minister
 Kelantan State Government
10:30 am – 11:00 am  Morning tea break
11:00 am – 12:40 pm   Paper Presentation: Session 1
 Cluster 1
 Room : Dewan Putri Sa’adong

 Chair : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nur Riza Mohd Suradi

 Title : Employee’s Perception on the Application of  Islamics Ethics in the Quality Management System
 Presenter : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nur Riza Mohd Suradi
 Title : The Islamic Institution of Hisba and  Consumer Protection
 Presenter : Muhammad Akbar Khan
 Title : Model Kecemerlangan Pelajar Universiti berasaskan Nilai Teras
 Presenter : Norkisme Zainal Abidin
 Title : Pengukuram Hak Kebajikan Pekerja dari Sudut Implementasi dalam  MS ISO 9001:2008 dari Persepaktif Islam menggunakan Pendekatan Kano
 Presenter : Zulhimi Abd. Rahman
 Title : Sistem Pengurusan HALAL di Malaysia: Keperluan kepada Penyeragaman Piawaian Kolaboratif antara Agensi
 Presenter : Kamarul Nizal bin Idris
 Cluster 2
 Room : Dewan Sekebun Bunga

 Chair : Prof. Dr. Rozumah Baharudin

 Title : Contemporary Tafaqquh Programme Module in Mosques
 Presenter : Dr. Alias Azhar
 Title : Parental Religiosity and Adolescent Social Responsibility: The Mediating Role of Parenting Style
 Presenter : Prof. Dr. Rozumah Baharudin
 Title : The Effect of Paternal Attachment on Delinquency
 Presenter : Mahshid Manouchehri
 Title : Gerakan Feminisme Liberalism di Malaysia : Analisis Kritikal
 Presenter : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rahimin Affandi Abdul Rahim
 Title : Penghayatan Pembacaan al-Quran dalam Kalangan Pelajar Sekolah Menengah
 Presenter : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bhasah Abu Bakar
 Title : Modul Intervensi Psikospiritual Perkahwinan (IPP): Pemantapan Perhubungan Suami Isteri
 Presenter : Rosliza Ahmad
12:40 pm – 5:00 pm Excursion (Kota Bharu)
- END DAY 3- 
Day 4: 20 Muharram 1434H/ 4th December 2012
Grand Riverview Hotel, Kota Bharu, Kelantan Malaysia 
8:20 am – 10:00 am   Paper Presentation: Session 2
 Cluster 1
 Room : Dewan Putri Sa’adong

 Chair : Dr. Siti Aishah Hassan

 Title : العـنـف  ضد المـرأة  دراسة قانونية مقارنة
 Presenter : Dr. Ahmad bin Muhammad Husni
 Title : Theodicy In Islamic Theology
 Presenter : Dr. Norzakiah binti Saparmin
 Title : Violence against Women : A Comparative Legal Study
 Presenter : Dr. Ahmad bin Muhammad Husni
 Title : إجراءات النظر دعوى الطلاق في المحاكم الشرعية في نيجيريا
 Presenter : Murtala Saad
 Title : Maqasid Syariah Divorce Counseling
 Presenter : Dr. Siti Aishah Hassan
 Cluster 2
 Room : Dewan Sekebun Bunga

 Chair : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Habib Mat Som

 Title : Pendidikan Akhlak dalam Pembangunan Sahsiah Dalam Era Globalisasi: Ke Mana Halatuju?
 Presenter : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Habib Mat Som
 Title : Integrasi Elemen Persuasif di dalam Model Pembelajaran Berasaskan Web Pendidikan Islam
 Presenter : Nor Aziah Binti Daud
 Title : Amalan Pengajaran Berkualiti di Gua Hira’: Suatu Iktibar dan Penelitian
 Presenter : Rozita Md. Noh
 Title : Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi di Malaysia : Analisa Terhadap Elemen Negatiff dan Positif
 Presenter : Prof. Dr.  Badlihisham Mohd Nasir
 Title : Faktor Sekolah dalam Kecemerlangan Guru Cemerlang Pendidikan Islam (GCPI) Di Sekolah Menengah : Satu Kajian
 Presenter : Hilman bin Muhamad
 Title : Keberkesanan Kursus Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia (TITAS) di IPTA Malaysia
 Presenter : Dr. Adlina Ab. Halim
  Cluster 3
 Room : Dewan Wau

 Chair : Dr. Mohamad Sabri Zakaria

 Title : إحياء الموات وتطبيقاته في المملكة العربية السعودية
 Presenter : Dr. Mohammad Sanad Al-harbi
 Title : النظام  الاقتصادي  الإسلامي المفهوم، والفلسفة، والأهداف، والتطبيق
 Presenter : Dr. Muslim Bakhit Muhammad Al-Juhany
 Title : أثر التضخم في العلاقة الدائنية والمديونية: دراسة تحليلية نقدية
 Presenter : Habeebullah Zakariyah
 Title : النظم الاقتصادية العالمية النشأة والمبدأ
 Presenter : Prof. Dr. Hussein Tartouri
 Title : الرهونات المستجدة وأحكامها الشرعية
 Presenter : Dr. Mohamad Sabri Zakaria
10:00 am – 10:30 am  Morning Tea break
10:30 am – 11:15 am Keynote Speech 7
 Title: Tawhidi Structure of Socio-Scientific Revolution
 Prof. Dr. Masudul Alam Choundury
 Department of Economics and Finance
 College of Economics and Political Science (CEPS)
 Sultan Qaboos University
 Muscat 123
 Sultanate of Oman
 International Chair
 Postgraduate Program in Islamic Economics and  Finance
 Faculty of Economics
 Trisakti University
 Jakarta, Indonesia
11:15 am – 12:35 pm    Paper Presentation: Session 3
 Cluster 1
 Room : Dewan Putri Sa’adong

 Chair : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Fuad Mohd Salleh

 Title : Islamic Bank Is Not Islamic? : The Implementation of Islamic Banking and Finance in Malaysia
 Presenter : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Fuad Mohd Salleh
 Title : Jual Beli Murabahah dalam Transaksi Hartanah: Persepsi Pelanggan berkaitan asa kebebasan Kontrak di Pekanbaru, Riau
 Presenter : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asmah Laili Hj. Yeon
 Title : Waqaf untuk Kesejahteraan Ummah: Wawasan Negara Brunei Darussalam
 Presenter : Datin Hajah Mariah binti Pehin Dato Haji Abdul Rahim
 Title : مدى إباحة الهدايا والتعويض بعد فسخ الخطبة:رؤية فقهية
 Presenter : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mek Wok Mahmud
 Cluster 2
 Room : Dewan Sekebun Bunga

 Chair : Prof. Dr. Israr Ahmad Khan

 Title : Belief in and Concept of Predestination: A Critical Analysis from Islamic Perspective
 Presenter : Prof. Dr. Israr Ahmad Khan
 Title : Promoting Negara Zikir in Brunei: The Role of Pusat Dakwah Islamiah
 Presenter : Prof. Dr.  Badlihisham Mohd Nasir
 Title : Faith and Worship, Two Fundamental Human Concepts
 Presenter : Hamid Kordnejad
 Title : Self-Concept from Islamic Perspective
 Presenter : Nurul Asiah Fasehah binti Muhamad
 Cluster 3
 Room : Dewan Wau

 Chair : Adelani Ibrahim

 Title : Management System of Islamic Private Schools (Madrasah) in Nigeria, Madrasah Da’wah al-Islamiyyat Case Study
 Presenter : Adelani Ibrahim
 Title : Contribution of Hajiah Aishah Lemu to Islamic Studies in Nigeria: A Symbolic Domestication of an Intellectual Heritage
 Presenter : Sirajudeen Oloje
 Title : القرآن على سطور وآثر قراءاتها في النحو العربي
 Presenter : Abdullahi O. Abdulrazaq
 Title : Self-Efficacy of Islamic Educators from Islamic Perspective
 Presenter : Noornajihan Jaafar
 Title : التعليم العربي الإسلامي في مواجهة الحملات التبشيرية جنوب غرب نيجيريا (نموذجاً)
 Presenter : Badmas Ahmad Omo-Oni
12:35 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch Break
2:00 pm – 2:45 pm Keynote Speech 8
 As-Syeikh Dr. Ahmed Totonji
 Vice President
 International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)
 Saudi Arabia
2:45 pm – 4:45 pm   Paper Presentation: Session 4
 Cluster 1
 Room : Dewan Putri Sa’adong

 Chair : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Zaki Hamzah

 Title : Sustainable Forest Management and Development in-line with the Islamic Principles
 Presenter : Assoc. Prof. Dr Mohd. Zaki Hamzah
 Title : The Qur'an Revelations on Marine Knowledge
 Presenter : Agus S Djamil bin Ahmad Gozali
 Title : Alcohol in Foods - Is it Halal?
 Presenter : Wan Nadiah Wan Abdullah
 Title : Awareness and Knowledge of Halal Food Principles (with emphasis on alcohol in foods) among Food Technology Students in Universiti Sains Malaysia
 Presenter : Wan Nadiah Wan Abdullah
 Title : From Nano to Macro: Evidence of Divinity in the Perfection of EFB Fibers
 Presenter : Dr. Arniza Ghazali
 Title : Assessment Oriented Approach to Skill Mastery: Its Efficiency, Effectiveness and Indigenity
 Presenter : Dr. Arniza Ghazali
 Title : The Effect of Paternal Attachment on Delinquency
 Presenter : Mahsid Manoucheri
 Title : Oceanic Verses of Al-Quran: The Semantics, Ontology and Categorization
 Presenter : Agus S Djamil bin Ahmad Gozali
 Cluster 2
 Room : Dewan Sekebun Bunga

 Chair : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamaruzaman Yusoff

 Title : Sikap dan Tahap Keyakinan Ibubapa terhadap Sekolah Menengah Agama Negeri di Kelantan
 Presenter : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamaruzaman Yusoff
 Title : Media Pengajaran dalam Pendidikan Islam : Satu Penilaian
 Presenter : Zulkifli bin Haji Zakaria
 Title : Pendekatan Suhbah Sufiyyah Menurut Abu Talib Al-Makki (w.386H/966M) Sebagai Model Pembentukan Akhlak Murid: Satu Pengamatan Dari Aspek Peranan Guru
 Presenter : Abdul Muhsien b. Sulaiman
 Title : Problem-based Learning (PBL): As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyah Concept in Educating and Nurturing Excellent Muslims
 Presenter : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alyani Ismail
 Title : Pengajian Islam dalam Sistem Penyelidikan: Pengalaman Fakulti Pengajian Islam, UKM
 Presenter : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hj. Zamri Arifin
 Title : Tahap Profesionalisme Guru Pendidikan Islam dalam Sistem Pendidikan Negara
 Presenter : Muhamad Faiz bin Ismail
4:45 PM Evening Tea Break
- END DAY 4-  
Day 5: 21 Muharram 1434H/ 5th December 2012
Grand Riverview Hotel, Kota Bharu, Kelantan Malaysia
8:30 am – 10:30 am   Paper Presentation: Session 5
 Cluster 1
 Room : Dewan Putri Sa’adong

 Chair : Dr Aizan Bt Hj Ali@ Mat Zin

 Title : 7 Prinsip Senibina Masjid dalam Pemartabatan Sistem Sosial Muslim di Malaysia : Isu dan Cabaran
 Presenter : Dr Aizan Bt Hj Ali@ Mat Zin
 Title : Penjawat Awam Muslim sebagai Agen Moral Islam Dalam Pembuatan Keputusan Etika
 Presenter : Mohd Koharuddin bin Mohd Balwi
 Title : Potensi Bahasa Arab sebagai Bahasa Pelancongan di Malaysia
 Presenter : Hashim bin Mat Zin
 Title : Pelaksanaan Perkhidmatan Dasar Pembinaan Mental dan Kerohanian Islam (DPMKI) di Kor Agama Angkatan Tentera (KAGAT)
 Presenter : Khairul Fauzi bin Azmi
 Title : Peranan Ketua Agama dalam membangunkan Intra-Dialog ke arah penyelesaian konflik: Satu analisa daripada Perspektif Islam dan Kristian
 Presenter : Khairulnizzam Mat Karim
 Title : Model Dakwah Masjid Kontemporari
 Presenter : Muhamad Faisal Ashaari
 Cluster 2
 Room : Dewan Sekebun Bunga

 Chair : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hj. Zamri Arifin

 Title : Integrasi Dan Islamisasi Ilmu: Hubungan Serta Impaknya Kepada Sistem Pendidikan Islam Menurut Perspektif Pembangunan Kurikulum
 Presenter : Dr. Noor Hisham Md Nawi
 Title : ‘7  Langkah Membasuh Tangan Yang Betul’ daripada Perspektif Al-Hadith
 Presenter : Norhasnira bt Ibrahim
 Title : Perspektif Guru Pendidikan Islam terhadap Bahan Bantu Mengajar di Sekolah Bestari: Satu Kajian Rintis
 Presenter : Mohd Faeez Ilias
 Title : Kesediaan Profesionalisme Pelajar-pelajar PISMP IPGM Dalam Pengurusan Dan Pengawalan Kelas
 Presenter : Norhannan Binti Ramli
 Title : Masalah-Masalah  Dalam Perlaksanaan Pentaksiran Pafa: Satu Kajian Terhadap Guru Pendidikan Islam Di Sekolah-Sekolah  Menengah Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya
 Presenter : Mohd Izzuddin bin Mohd Pisol
 Title : Pengajian Islam dalam Sistem Penyelidikan : Pengalaman Fakulti Pengajian Islam; UKM
 Presenter : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hj. Zamri Arifin
10:30 am – 11:00 am  Morning Tea Break
11:00 am – 11:45 am  Keynote Speech 9
 Prof. Dr. Glenn Hardaker
 Prof. of Innovation & Learning and 
 Director of Diversity & Education
 Management Research Group
 The Business School
 University of Huddersfield
11:45 am – 12:30 pm Keynote Speech 10
 Title: System Structure and Monitoring for Target  Achievements: Feedback and Proactive Approach
 Prof. Dr. Anuar b. Hj Anuar
 Acting President and Vice Chancellor
 University of Selangor (UNISEL)
12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Lunch Break
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm   Paper Presentation: Session 6
 Cluster 1
 Room : Dewan Putri Sa’adong

 Chair : Asst. Prof. Dr. Junaid Ahmad Hashimi

 Title : Islamic Education in Pakistan: An Analytical Study of Various Trends
 Presenter : Asst. Prof. Dr. Junaid Ahmad Hashimi
 Title : Students' Perception in Learning Islamic Education : A Case Study of Madrasah in Singapore
 Presenter : Nuriah binti Abdul Razak
 Title : Continuing Islamic Education: An Approach Towards Islamic Unity and Resurgence
 Presenter : Prof. Dr. Ali B. Panda
 Title : علاقة القرآن بالحديث في تفسير بعض الأيات" دراسة تحليلية لغوية
 Presenter : Abdullahi O. Abdulrazaq
 Title : Towards the Enhancement of Arabic language and Islamic studies in Nigerian Schools in the 21st Century: Roles and Problems
 Presenter : Abdussalam A. Atotileto
 Cluster 2
 Room : Dewan Sekebun Bunga

 Chair : Prof. Dr. Ozhan Tingoy

 Title : An Islamic-Critical View on Political System of Turkey between 1945-1960: Journal of Serdengeçti
 Presenter : Prof. Dr. Ozhan Tingoy
 Title : Pengurusan Konflik Melayu-Islam di Wilayah Selatan Thailand: Analisa terhadap Peranan Malaysia secara Bilateral dalam Penyelesaian Konflik.
 Presenter : Suzy Aziziyana Saili
 Title : Parameter "Asas-asas" Penentuan Hukuman bagi Penjenayah Wanita Menurut undang-undang jenayah Islam dalam Kes Hudud
 Presenter : Dr. Ahmad Bin Muhammad Husni
 Title : Keperluan Mendefinisi Semula Konsep Ijma’ dalam Sistem Perundangan Islam di Malaysia
 Presenter : Nurhafilah Musa
 Title : Al-Qadi Abu Ya‘la: The Leading Legal Luminary of the Hanbali Madhhab in the 5th / 11th Century Baghdad
 Presenter : Dr. Yusuf Abdul Azeez
4:00 pm – 4:30 pm Closing Ceremony
 Y.B. Dato’ Hj Ahmad Yakob
 Deputy Chief Minister
 Kelantan State Government
 Harmonious Photography Session
4:30 PM Evening Tea Break

Among Scholars have been appointed are:
1. Y.Bhg Prof. Tan Sri Dr. Mohd Kamal Hassan (IIUM, Malaysia)
2. Dr. Kamal El-Helbawy (United Kingdom)
3. Y.Bhg Prof. Dato’ Paduka Dr. Mahmood Zuhdi Hj. Ab. Majid (IIUM, Malaysia)
4. Y.Bhg Prof. Dato’ Dr. Yusof Othman (UKM, Malaysia)
5. Prof. Zakaria Stapa (UKM, Malaysia)
6. Prof. Dr. ABM. Mahbubul Islam (Bangladesh)
7. Prof. Dr. Naceur Jabnoun (Turkey)
8. Prof. Dr. Mokhtar Abdullah (UPNM, Malaysia)
9. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Daud Bakar (IIIF, Malaysia)
10. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Akram Laldin (ISRA, Malaysia)
11. Prof. Mohammad Khazer al-Majali (Jordan)
12. Y.Bhg Prof. Dato’ Dr. Aizuddin Ahmad (KUIS, Malaysia)
13. Prof. Zainal Abidin Kidam (UNISEL, Malaysia)
14. Prof. Dr. Badlihisham Mohd Nasir (UKM, Malaysia)
15. Prof. Dr. Yasin Mazhar Siddiqui (Pakistan)
16. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamaruzaman Yusof (UKM,Malaysia)
17. Prof. Dr. Abdul Aziz Hanafi (KUIN, Malaysia)
18. Prof. Dr. Abdul Samat Musa (USIM, Malaysia)
19. Prof. Dr. Abd Basir Mohamed (UKM, Malaysia)
20. Prof. Dr. Arif Ali Arif (Iraq)
21. Prof. Dr. Ir. Wan Abu Bakar Wan Abas (UM, Malaysia)
22. Prof. Dr. Anuar Ahmad (UNISEL, Malaysia)
23. Prof. Dr. Abdul Latif Samian (UKM, Malaysia)
24. Dr. Abdul Hadi Shahid (UAE)
25. Prof. Dr. Syed Omar Syed Agil (UniRazak, Malaysia)
26. Prof. Dr. Yaacob Che Man (UPM, Malaysia)