The Problems of
Balkan Muslims: A General Evaluation
By Adnan İsmailî, Skopje
The Balkan peninsula is a frontier zone extending between Europe
and Asia which faces North Africa from its sea borders. That region is
comprised of the following countries; Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania,
Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia and
Slovenia. The last seven countries were the members of Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia which was disintegrated in 1990s.
With collapse of communism and the disintegration of Yugoslavia,
the Balkan Muslims were faced with new problems. We know that almost 200,000
Muslims were murdered in Bosnia and tens of thousands of them were slaughtered
in Kosovo. Particularly, the murder of 6000 Muslims in Srebrenitsa within just
a few days in 1995 became the seal of the oppression and massacres that the
Balkan Muslims experienced.
In spite of these massacres, which took place in a period when
the concept of civilization and culture was high in the world, the Muslims
continued to exist in the Balkans. The Muslims are still a majority in Federal
Bosnia Herzegovina. They are indisputably a minority in Croatia and Slovenia.
They are in quite a weak position of minority in Serbia (Sancak and Preşova
Valley) and in Montenegro. Muslims are an absolute majority in Kosovo and in
Macedonia, almost half of the population is comprised of Muslims.
Although the statistics show Muslims as a majority in Albania
that fact has been changing swiftly. Muslims are a minority in Bulgaria and
Thus according to the statistics, 17 million Muslims live in the
Balkans (excluding Turkish soil, the total Balkan population is 50 million).
This fact shows that Islam is the second largest religion in the Balkans
following Christianity.
The Balkans – The Status Quo and the Problems
The Balkans is being rehabilitated, at least politically, after
the wars and the transition period. Some Balkan countries, such as Romania,
Bulgaria, Slovenia and Greece, are the members of the EU. Croatia is taking the
last steps for membership. Negotiations for membership will be launched for
Serbia, Montenegro and Albania. Because of the political instability in Bosnia
Herzegovina; the problems regarding the political recognition of Kosovo, and
Macedonia’s naming problems with Greece, these countries continue to have
troubles regarding membersip of the EU. Except for Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina,
Macedonia and Kosovo, all Balkan countries are NATO members.
In spite of these political achievements, the social situation
in the Balkans is not clean-cut. The economic crisis which finally affected
Italy and shocked Europe could easily devastate the region. Particularly
Albania, which has a great amount of Italian and Greek investment, could be
seriously damaged. Besides which, almost five hundred thousand Albanian
immigrants are working in Italy and Greece.
Although great steps have been taken for integration into and
development of contemporary civilizational values, there are still obstacles to
development in the Balkans.
Bosnia Herzegovina

Thus, the influence of Turkey, which is an ally of the US and a
member of NATO, is very important for sustaining Bosnia. Bosnia’s membership of
NATO and the EU needs to be supported, and only in this way can the country’s
integrity be protected.
What discriminates positively in the case of Bosnia is its
religious situation, since that region constitutes the border of native Muslims
with Europe. Historically, Bosnia has a strong Islamic theology tradition. The
Gazi Husrev Bey Madrasa and the Faculty of Sarajevo Islamic Disciplines have
played a great role in establishing an authentic Islamic tradition. Naturally
the war and post-war problems brought new problems, and due to some religous
groups a radical image was made up and attributed to Bosnia. The truth is that
Bosnia is one of the centers of Balkan Muslims with a large intellectual
capacity which will carry the banner of Islam in Europe. However, it needs new
investments in areas such as culture, economy and science.

The cultural, religious and academic situation in Kosovo is
interesting. Pristina University, which was established in 1970s, has been
active since then. Though they were successful in terms of education, due to
the communist regime at that time, an atheistic and irreligious generation was
raised, which was unaware of history and Islamic culture. Recently, the Turkish
Education Ministry has demanded that the expressions slandering the Ottomans be
removed from school textbooks. This demand was met with harsh reactions and in
some places xenophobic reactions were witnessed. This issue of slander and the
reaction to attempts to reintegrate religious education into the educational
system show the urgent need for more intellectual activities and reforms in the
country. Educational reforms and cultural projects, especially the restoration
of the madrasas in Pristina and the other cities, and the development of the
Faculty of Islamic Disciplines will strengthen the Islamic potentiality in Kosovo.
New investments are needed both for the media and other aspects of social life,
the Kosovo Religious Directorate being in particular need of investment. After
the 1999 wars, many liberal or Christian learning institutions were founded.
These institutions are working to develop a culture other than the Islamic
tradition of the society.

We also need to mention the cultural problems of Muslims in
Sancak with regard to Serbia. Although Serbia is pointing out the
‘international terrorism’ in this region, the real problem is different. There
are two religious directorate authorities functioning simultanuously; one is
run by Muamar Ef. Zukorliç, who is spiritually loyal to Bosnia, and the other
is the Religious Diroctorate presided over by Adem Zilkiç, who is recognized
formally by the Serbian state authority. That kind of a division also exists in
Presova Valley. In Presova, two religious authorities, one loyal to Pristina
and the other to Belgrade, are functioning. Religious education is provided in
schools in Serbia, but only the personnel recognized by the state are allowed
to provide this education. In line with this situation, Turkey has a
responsibility to make possible the unity of Serbian Muslims. Unfortunately,
although the Turkish authorities visited Sancak a few times, they never went to
Presova. This situation caused a reaction among Albanians in there. Due to all
these tensions, an integration beyond states needs to be established to bring
about unity in this region.
I believe that establishing Balkan Islamic Unity will push all
these feuds and divisions aside, and it will provide more opportunities for
Balkan Muslims, particularly for those Muslims who are in a minority position
in the area, for whom this kind of unity has major importance. For now,
cultural, educational, scientific and media initiatives can be supported and
encouraged, which are at present only operating at basic levels .


This negative situation shows that there are precautions that
Turkey may have to take. As a protector of Muslims in the Balkans, Turkey needs
to support the Muslim minority and their religious, educational and cultural
projects in Greece.


These problems have caused stagnation in Macedonia, foreign
investment is low, and there is little tolerance between religious and ethnic
groups. This year a population census, which was going to determine the
religious position of the Macedonian population, failed. However, according to
some estimations, the Muslim population is above 40 per cent. Muslims are
comprised mostly of Albanians, Turks, Bosniaks and Romani people. Yet because
crosses are put on top of the clock towers; mosques are demolished and new ones
are not allowed to be constructed, and the estates of the Macedonia Religious
Directorate have not been returned to them, there is serious cultural erosion
and it is obvious that support from outside is needed. These support projects
may be realized through the Macedonian Religious Affairs Directorate, madrasas,
the Faculty of Islamic Disciplines, and through scientific and cultural
activities, publications and the media.

Due to the economic investment of Greece and Italy in Albania,
and immigration from Albania to those countries, their influence on Albania is
obvious. This influence may be seen not only in the support for pro-Greece and
pro-Italian political and economic groups, but also it may be seen in
educational, cultural and religious subjects in Albania. Those who pay a visit
to Tirana, which was established by Muslim beys, will see a large Catholic
cathedral and an Orthodox church. Yet as survivors of the communist era
suppression, only the Ethem Bey mosque and other smaller ones bear witness to
the fact that there are Muslims on this soil, but they cannot reflect the fact
that until recent times, this soil was one hundred per cent Muslim. The
requests of the Muslims to build new mosques, or for the return of Ottoman
Waqfiya (endowments) to them are recklessly declined by the Tirana authorities.
Regarding the returning of the estates of the Waqfiya (endowments), we think
that it would be appropriate to establish a center based in Turkey to inspect
the legal aspect of the matter and observe the procedure. In this situation,
support may be provided through the means of lobbying groups in the Balkans,
particularly Albania, or by establishing a center which will engage with
Ottoman waqfiya (endowments), record them, to put pressure on the authorities
to return them and to follow the legal prosecution in local and international
courts. Some groups do speak out about the returning of Ottoman waqfiya, which
were largely privatized in the 1990s, and this situation maintains its urgency
in Albania as an important issue. In fact, this crime that Albania has
committed against its Muslim population has today endangered the
religious balance in Albania.
A newly completed population census showed that the image of a
Muslim Albania has been totally demolished. Now everybody is sure that the
number of Muslims is not much greater than that of the Orthodoxes and the
Catholics, since Baktashis are considered a different religious group, out of
Islam. Over the next hundred years, the demographic distribution of Albania
will largely change. Hypothetically, if Turkey or any other Muslim country had
acted carefully during Albania’s transition period, and had helped them
actively in education, media and cultural projects, we would have been faced
with a different picture today.
Albania has been considered so far a country with a seventy per
cent Muslim population, but as a result of activities that Greece has conducted
through Yanulatos, the high priest of the Albanian Orthodox Church, Albanians
living in the south have been declared not only as Orthodox but also as Greeks.
Madrasas have been shut down in Korça and Girokastra. The opening of a large
number of Greek schools and investments in the south, which aimed to raise the
number of people who could be declared Orthodox and Greek, has also had a
great effect. When the unseen and inefficient nature of the Albanian Muslim
community is added to these facts, the situation takes on a dramatic
appearance. That community has not yet established an Islamic style of life in
the mosques, and with some muftis following the interests of particular groups
of Muslims, they are far from a stable Albanian Muslim awareness. All these
negative points cause this community to be an insignificant part of the social
life of Albania.
The Muslim countries mentioned above are in great need of the
support of other Muslim countries, especially that of Turkey, but it is
particularly Albania that should be the main target of any projects. Civil
organizations may hold meetings in Albania. Scientific conferences in which the
Albanian identity may be discussed can be organized. This year (2012) is the
100th anniversary of the withdrawal of the Ottomans from the Balkans and this
may be a good occasion for negotiating ideas on different aspects of social
life in Albania.
Albania needs investments today in every field. Economically,
Greek and Italian capital needs be balanced in the shortest possible time by
Muslim investment, both local and from outside the country, in order to reduce
the influence from these two countries. In education, Turkey should not be
content with colleges. Although these colleges give a good image and provide a
successful service, they are not able to undertake the responsibility of
embracing all Albanian Muslims together. Unless Turkey makes a greater
contribution on religious issues, and organizes powerful madrasa organizations
in all the cities, it will just be a dream to expect that college initiatives
will handle all the issues. Albania is almost the only country in which Turkish
colleges engage both with educational and religious organizations, and the
Muslim Albanian community has been overlooked in this process. If this
community had been included by the Turkish Religious Directorate, today the
result would have been quite different in terms of religious-demographic
indications. This situation shows the urgency of the need for support in
opening madrasas and eligible schools in lots of the cities of Albania. The
Turkish Religious Directorate needs to contribute to the University of Islam,
so that it becomes a center of Islamic theology in Albania. We also need to
mention and remind people of the Tirana, Durs and Iskodra madrasas. These
madrasas have played important role in Albania, but they are inadequate.
In terms of education, Turkey should prepare special educational
programs for Albanian youths to be educated in Turkey. Within the framework of
a five-year program, 100-200 high school students should attend Imam Hatib
schools, and 100 students should attend theology faculties of universities in
Turkey. In that way, the cultural damage in Albania may be compensated for a
little. The other Albanian people scattered accross the Balkans are dependent
on Albania. Unless Albania is able to survive, the Albanians living out of
Albania will lose hope. It is an advantage for Albania to have a potential
intellectual capacity for establishing educational, cultural and media
institutions. The support of some institutions of Turkey, which feel less
acknwledged on these soils, is also important.
We have to stress that the Civil organizations prone to
Christianity, whether Orthodox or Catholic, have succeeded in establishing an
image with their cultural projects and publications which suggests that the
Albanian culture and prominent Albaninan figures are Christian, though most
prominent writers are Muslim, the founder of the Albanian state is a Muslim and
Prizen Union has been established in a mosque and has been headed by a Muslim
scholar. But these facts should be reflected into Albanian public opinion
through books, seminars and conferences. Turkey should evaluate the idea of
supporting the Albanian Religious Affairs Directorate, Alsar and Ardhmëria
which could carry out these kinds of activities to enlighten the Albanian
Regarding the TIKA (Presidency of Turkish Collaboration and
Coordination Agency), it has been a USAID for Albanian people. The TIKA has
been active in all investment fields. It is necessary to quickly spread these
investments and initiatives more widely. Turkey has achieved this opening not
only in order to establish a good image, which is really necessary in the
Albanian case, but also to undertake the real responsibility. Of course, it
cannot be imagined that the Turkish authorities visiting Bosnia and Sancak a
couple of times, but relatively overlooking Albania, could have been
Another way of conducting activities in Albania is through the
media. There are media outlets which were established by pro-Christian and
pro-Jewish liberal foundations like ‘Soros’, and these are competing with the
most powerful media organizations of Europe and they are in the service of
Greek and Italian lobbies. In other words, they are fighting for the wiping out
of the Ottoman-Islamic cultural heredity in the region. Thus, the foundation of
a media institution, particularly a TV channel, would serve our lofty ideal of
preserving this heritage, and this is the primary and most important step that
we need to take in Albania. Considering that such a TV channel would also be
viewed attentively by the Albanians living in Kosovo, Macedonia and other
countries, a total of 7 million Muslim Albanians, we could say that this
is the most signigicant initiative that we need to launch in Albania.
The other indispensable projects that need to be launched in
Albania are scientific, artistic and publishing projects. Another point
regarding religion is the integration of the Baktashi path with Sunnism,
because these two paths are encouraged to separate from each other and to be
declared as different religious groups, and by this means the number of Muslims
in Albania has been reduced to half. There is an understanding of the Baktashi
way which is unrelated to real sufism in Albania.
Generally some initiatives have been launched in the other
countries of the Balkans. Now, our target should be Albania, because what in
question here is to save the Muslim identity and lay the ground for a
successful future.
In the light of the facts that we have mentioned above, we must
conclude that in order to protect and strengthen Muslim identity in the Balkan
region some real investment is needed. Regarding the projects that need to be
initiated, especially in Albania, the Balkan countries could send a hundred
students a year to the Imam Hatib schools, and fifty students to theology
faculties of universities; also the madrasas, faculties of Islamic disciplines
and religious organizations need to be strengthened. In addition to these
projects, economic investment, political support, media and cultural projects are
also much needed.
In conclusion, I would like to remind the reader that the
Muslims lived in Spain for eight hundred years. When the Christian armies
attacked al-Andalus, they demanded support from the caliph. Dozens of letters
were written and sent for that purpose and they are well known to all those who
are interested in the history of the Andalusian Muslims. Yet, since Muslims
were in the process of disintegration and in a kind of civil war, they
overlooked the ejection of Muslims from Spain and their assimilation. It is
tragic that after eight long centuries of Muslim civilization, there is not a
remarkable Muslim community in Spain.
Finally, I hope this will be a warning of the critical situation
of the Muslims in the Balkans today, and that it will contribute to the
development of an effective Muslim response to their situation.
*This article was previously submitted in a meeting organized by
UNIW in Istanbul.