CASIS merupakan sebuah institusi
yang berkesinambungan sistemnya dengan ISTAC yang diterajui al-Attas.Pengasas-pengarah
CASIS juga adalah bekas tim. Pengarah ISTAC dan ATMA. Tradisi keilmuan dan
pengajian CASIS suatu penerusan sistem yang dibina al-Attas dari sudut subjek,
korikulum, sumber karya rujukan, suasan kelas dengan bicara dan dialog ilmiah,
wacana pembentangan mingguan, budaya membaca dan ilmu, suhbah sesama pelajar
dan dengan guru serta beradab.
The worldview of Islam suatu
istilah yang dipopularkan al-Attas amat ditekankan, faham ilmu dan koloniasasi
ilmu. Para pelajar dideahkan pelbagai
ilmu secara faham. Ilmu teras agama akidah, fiqh, syariah, tasawuf diajarkan
dan subjek teras. Bahasa arab dan inggeris ditekankan penguasaanya. Subjek nya
menarikh yangmerangkumi alam Melayu, ilmu agama, pemikiran dll..bersama para
guru dan pelajarnya membawa bicara ilmiah, minat pembacaan ilmu pengetahuan
yang luas, tinggi dalam peklbagai bidang dan mengikuti perkembangan semasa
glokal. Jatidiri melayu islami amat ditekankan dan teras penting seta peri ilmu
dan budaya mengkaji.
Kesempatan penulis mengikuti 2 subjek
d CASIS, suatu kesempatan bergaul dan bersama-sama dengan murid al-Attas.
Seorang tokoh pemikir melayu islami. Amat menarik kuliah Prof wan ‘Dekolonisasi
dan islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan kontemporari. Keunikan murudnya dari pelbagai
latarbelakang pengajian samada sains, sains social, ekonomi, pengajianislam
dll.Kesemuanya menunjukkan minat kepada ilmu. Subjek Dekolonisasi dan
islamisasi membuka minda dan percambahan akliah terhadap cabaran, isu dan
konteks semasa. Ramai umat islam harus menerokai subjek ini yg amat besar
manfaatnya termasuk golongan ustaz.
Penulis berkesempatan berguru
dengan Prof wan mohd nor, prod muhammmad zainiy uthman, prof madya dr
shamsuddin arif. Guru-guru yang mempunyai penguasaan pelbagai disiplin ilmu dan
bahasa. Amat terasa keilmuan guru2 CASIS dari pengalaman penulis dengan
pensyarah2 IPT2 lain. CASIS ada kualitinya sebagaimana lepasa ISTAC ada
kualitinya (ISTAC d zaman al-Attas atau mereka yg berkesempatan zaman pimpinan
al-Attas). CASIS menjunjung ilmuwan dan ulama silam serta karyanya, pelajarnya
membentuk semanagta Melayu Islami dan jatiri berdasarkan ilmu.
Penulis berpeluang memahami
kerangka pemikiran ‘worlview’, islamisasi, dekolonisasi…subejk2 d CASIS
membentuk ilmu dan pemikiran secara berpadu. Walaupun masih baru bersama CASIS
tetapi penulis dapat merasai ‘zawq’ dan budaya ilmu para guru dan pelajarnya serta
keintelektualan mereka.Ilmu fardu ain dan fardu kifayah teras penting. CASIS
bukan sahaja sebagai pusat pengajian, penyelidikan tetapi mula membina gerakan
aktivis dalam kerangka traditional islam. Para pelajrnya dibina pemantapan
kefahaman, keberanian berhujah dan berasas kepada ilmu dan adab.kerangka yang
dibina CASIS adalah pemikiran bersepadu dengan paradigm Islami, faham agama,
dan ancaman terhadapa agama, bangsa, Negara serta keupayaan berfikir, mengkaji
dan menilai serta analisa.
CASIS juga menganjurkan kuliah
mlm Ahad ‘Saturday night lecture’ oleh prof. S.M.N. al-Attas. Seorang pemikir
ulung melayu. CASIS pusat pengajian unik bagi kecemerlangan ilmu dan
penghayatan budaya ilmu. Berikut antara subjek2 yang diajar di CASIS disamping
bahasa arab, inggeris, akidah,syariah,fiqh….:
and Epistemic Frameworks
comparative analysis of all the major worldviews and their relationship with
the conception, methodology and purpose of knowledge and knowing, and the
culture of knowledge they generate. The worldviews and the knowledge culture of
the Greeks, Judeo-Christians, secular-humanists, the Indians, Chinese, Japanese
and especially the Muslims will be studied. An analysis of similarities and
differences will be carried out to encourage deeper understanding, mutual
cooperation, respect and tolerance.
and Decolonisation of Contemporary Knowledge
Analysis on the phenomena that
knowledge framework, methodologies and contents are organically linked to
worldviews, values and socio-political and economic interests of dominant
groups, states, cultures and civilisations. The Western colonisation of Asia,
Latin and North America and Africa and its effects on the indigenous knowledge
frameworks is explored. Issues of neo-colonialism, captive mind, colonisability
mentality, decoloniality and especially Islamisation and integration of
knowledge will be vigorously analysed.
Philosophy of Science and Technology
relation between Islam and Science; the origins and development of Modern
philosophy of science, from Mechanical Philosophy to Quantum physics; the
separation of science from metaphysics; Methods of scientific enterprise from
experimental method to modern empiricism, positivism and scientism. The idea of
Islamisation of contemporary knowledge and Islamic science will also be
and Hadith: Principles, Methodology and Contemporary Challenges
science of the Holy Qur’an (Ulum al-Qur’an) including the concept of wahy, its
transmission, collection and preservation; asbab al-nuzul, nasikh wa
al-mansukhal-muhkam wa al-mutashabih; the schools of Tafsir; contemporary
debates on the Qur’an and its exegesis. History of origins, development,
transmission, dissemination and collection of Hadith literature;
Hadith-Criticism; the reporters of Hadith (rijal al-hadith); contemporary
debates on the science of Hadith.
and Methodology of Islamic Science
introduction to the great works of early Muslim scientists, and technologists
and their main pioneering contributions. An indepth survey of the various
sciences and methods developed and used by Muslim scientists, astronomers,
geometricians, medical doctors towards the advancement of their respective
fields, and their influences on the West.
Art and Architecture
study of the growth, influences and development of a unique art that is
informed, and guided by the precepts of the religion of Islam. Calligraphy,
arabesque as they are applied in written artform, pottery, carpets.
Architectural monuments and their history. Early phases of the growth from the
Umayyad, Abbasid, Egyptian, Spanish, Persian, Mughal, Ottoman, through the
growth and expansion of the Muslim powers saw a complementary development of
architectural achievements. Muslim architecture in China and eastern lands.
in Contemporary Muslim Societies
legal system and its development in early Islam; the sources of the Shari’ah,
the fiqh of al-Maqasid (the objectives of the Shari’ah), the concept of
thawabit (permanence) and mutaghayyirat (change). A vigorous analysis of the
contemporary discourse of reconstruction and reform of Shari’ah and Islamic
jurisprudence; the relation between Shari’ah and Tasawwuf; the emergence of
contemporary movement, extremism and its responses.
Economic Thought and Institutions
introduction to economic thought and institutions in Islamic civilisation,
including the concepts ofal-iqtisad,tadbir, al-amwal,al-kasb, al-tijarah, riba,
zakah, kharaj, hisbah, waqf and bayt al-mal, as well as a critical overview of
Islamic banking system and finance.
Political Thought and Institutions
political thought and institutions in Islam, particularly the Islamic state of
Madinah; the concepts of khilafah, siyadah, hakimiyyah. The concept of
al-ikhtiyar, ‘aqd al-wakalah, bay’ah, ahl al-hall wa al-‘aqd; Islamic political
principles including justice, mutual consultation (shura), equality before the
law (musawah), accountability (muhasabat al-hakim); constitutional government
in Islam and contemporary debate on Islam and democracy.
and Religious Pluralism
analysis on the concepts of religious pluralism, religious diversity and
tolerance. An overview of the concept of Tawhid; Abrahamic faith, al-din
al-hanif; Transcendent Unity of Religions and its relation with Perennial
Muslim Scientists
study of enduring legacy of selected Muslim Scientists, such as al-Khawarizmi
(d. 850), al-Zahrawi (1013), Ibn Sina (1037), Ibn al-Haytham (1040), al-Biruni
(1048), al-Tusi (1274) and others who were the precursors to modern methods in
scientific and technological advancement in Modern West. A selection of texts
will be studied in translation.
Muslim Thinkers
study of major thinkers of Islam such as al-Ash’ari (d. 936), Ibn Sina (1037),
al-Ghazali (1111), Ibn Rushd (1198), Ibn Taymiyyah (1328), Ibn Khaldun (1395),
Mulla Sadra (1640) al-Fansuri (1600) al-Raniri (1658) and others. This course
will concentrate on the basic essentials in the thought of these various
Law, Science and Technology
application of Islamic Law and ethical precepts (legal maxims of Islam) to the
development and growth of scientific and technological application to everyday
life. An examination of the concept of life, maintenance of health, and death
in Islam. The use of and abuse of science and technology in the maintenance of
health and personal well-being. The ban on astrology, the abuse of musakkirat,
in Malay Culture and History
coming of Islam to the Malay Archipelago; Bilad al-Jawi in Islamic sources;
archeological, cultural and scientific artifacts; the new Jawi language and
script. The rise of learning and scholarship; early works on tafsir, hadith,
language, history, theology, tasawwuf and philosophy will be examined; the
growth of centres of learning: pondok, zawiyah, pesantren; The Malay sultanates
and Islam in contemporary Malaysia.
in Classical Text
and surveying selections of the great works in Islamic civilisation: on
theology, legal thought, philosophy and Sufi literature, such as al-Muwatta’,
al-Risalah, al-Fiqh al-Akbar, al-Kharaj, Tahafut al-Falasifah etc. The work of
prominent Muslim theologians such as Aqa’id al-Nasafi by Umar al-Nasafi (d.537
H) and Aqidah al-Tahawiyyah by Abu Ja’far al-Tahawi (321H).
in Contemporary Texts
works by contemporary Muslim thinkers such as, Muhammad Iqbal, Fazlur Rahman,
Ismail al-Faruqi, S.M.N. al-Attas, al-Jabiri, al-Qaradawi, al-Buti, Seyyed
Hossein Nasr etc. on issues pertaining to Islamic thought and contemporary
challenges will be studied critically.
and Urban Development
the city in Islam; the establishment of Madinah as City of the Prophet. Makkah
as city of spirituality; the growth of Muslim cities: Damascus, Jerusalem,
Baghdad, Kaherah, Istanbul, Isfahan, Toledo, Granada, Melaka, Acheh and other
major cities in the Muslim World will be studied; Urbanism in early Greek and
Roman cities compared to early Muslim cities; contemporary urban development
and medieval cities will be examined.
Human Development and Culture
genesis of mythological belief-based religions. Revealed versus non-revealed
religions or religious traditions. Ethical values and its relation to
happiness. The development of human communities into societies from ethnic
based to religion based identities. The advancement of human culture, values
with the unfolding of revelation-based religion. The rise of the secular
in Islamic Tradition